Are you Test ready?

Passing your driving test will give you independence and freedom, but a failed test could lead to disappointment and further delays to getting on the road.  It would be much better to delay a test rather than taking a test too soon. Here are some pointers to help you to understand if you are ready.

  1. You do not need help or prompts from your driving instructor.
  2. You do not make silly mistakes when you are driving, either with your instructor or family member.
  3. You have passed a mock test.
  4. You can control your nerves.
  5. Your driving instructor says that you are ready.

If you can drive safely and follow The Highway Code without any help, assistance or prompts from your instructor, then that is a good indication you are becoming an independent driver.  If you are making silly mistakes in lessons or on private practice, then you probably aren’t ready to drive safely alone.  The best way to avoid making silly mistakes is to practice, practice, practice.  Taking a mock test before your driving test is a really good thing to do, as it will prepare you for the actual test and you will gain an understanding of how you were marked.  Do as many mock tests as you can to build confidence.  But definitely make sure you have done at least one before your driving test.  1 in 10 people who fail their driving test say the main reason they failed was because they were nervous.  Being prepared, staying focused and practicing some mindfulness techniques can help. Your driving instructor will know when you are ready, so please take notice of what they have to say.  Good luck with your test and remember it is better to be ready and prepared rather than rushing it and taking it too soon.